Sunday, November 18, 2007

Brownback 2012!

On October 19th 2007 Senator Sam Brownback announced his withdrawal from the presidential race in a transcript. Although he is not part of the race any longer, he still is heard stressing his beliefs on issues such as abortion and marriage and human dignity. After pulling out of the race he took the time to thank everyone that had supported him and now effects the candidacy in an indirect way. For example, many of his beliefs match that of John McCain's which could help push him in the polls.


Big Shulman said...

Keep an eye out for Sam. The Senator may no longer be in the race, but he's still playing the role of Senator, and since there are only two people in all of Kansas who can claim that title, he's guaranteed to get press attention. Sam has got his fair share of opinions on every day current events, and he certainly hasn't been keeping those opinions to himself!

Another question to consider is whether Brownback's withdrawl has helped McCain as he hoped, or Huckabee, as he might not have expected. Even though writing in your blog about where Brownback's support is going is not directly related to what Sam is up to, it still relates to his presidential campaign, and therefore it is still relevant for inclusion in your blog.

CindyB said...

Has Brownback publicly given his support to a Republican candidate, such as McCain? Or, will Brownback remain neutral or "against" the Republican candidates. Who will he himself vote for? Also, it will be interesting to see how his dropping out affects the race, for example with Mike Huckabee's campaign. Maybe Huckabee will continue to rise in the polls and surpass Giuliani nationally. Then Mike Huckabee might be claming "I LIKE BROWNBACK."