Sunday, November 25, 2007

Brownback Update 2 (November 25, 2007)

Sam Brownback recently called for a withdrawal of a report estimating that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have cost the US government 1.5 trillion dollars. Borwnback argues that this estimation is "political hyperbola" deceived in the form of "academic research". Also, he argues that many of the costs, such as the effect of war on the oil prices, are nearly impossible to quantify.
Brownback along with Senators Clinton, Bayh, and Lieberman sent a letter to the President of ESRB asking for a review of their game reviewing system. The letter is in light of the reduction of a rating on a violent game called "Manhunt 2". The game, which possesses "gory kill animations", had its rating changed from "Adult Only", to "mature".

1 comment:

Big Shulman said...

Brownback fights on! Perhaps he is keeping up his social conservative credentials in hopes that someone like Rudy will pick him as his VP. He certainly shows his loyalty to the party by making the political statement that he thinks the Iraq/Afghanistan report is too political.