Monday, December 17, 2007

Brownback Update (December 17, 2007)

Brownback was at it again this time introducing a resolution that would require the American government to keep North Korea on its list of state sponsers of terrorism until they released abducted Japenese nationals. The resolution was a reaction to the discussion around the idea of removing North Korea from the list because of denucluerination.
Although Brownback is out of the race he continues to make noise through his active political ways. These types of current events topics will be essential to the presidential campaign. Nominees will need to be able to give out their own resolutions for any controversies and conversations in the US government right now. It will be interesting to see who supports Brownback on the tough regulations of North Korea, and using the list as leverage.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Brownback update 4

This past week Brownback commented on the recent report of Iran's nuclear energy situation, which as of right now has been halted but Iran still wishes to have nuclear energy. Brownback wants to encourage the United States' allies and Iranians to ask the Iranian government to stop in their pursuit for nuclear weapons. He believes we need to support the countries pro-denocracy movement rather than their nuclear weapons.

Sunday, December 2, 2007


In the beginning of this past week, Senator Brownback was in Des Moines, Iowa where he was encouraging his former supporters to back John McCain in the upcoming election. Brownback believes that McCain's Christian pro-life views match his own.  Later in the week, Brownback stated his support for the Down syndrome bill, which would force doctors to give a more comprehensive medical report regarding fetuses who test positive for Down syndrome. Due to his pro-life views, Brownback believes this bill will reduce the amount of abortions in America.  Brownback then shared his frustration with the progress of the Farm Bill.  He related the problems to majority leader Jack Reed, saying he has been constantly stalling and refusing any attempts at furthering the process of  the Farm Bill. 

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Brownback Update 2 (November 25, 2007)

Sam Brownback recently called for a withdrawal of a report estimating that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have cost the US government 1.5 trillion dollars. Borwnback argues that this estimation is "political hyperbola" deceived in the form of "academic research". Also, he argues that many of the costs, such as the effect of war on the oil prices, are nearly impossible to quantify.
Brownback along with Senators Clinton, Bayh, and Lieberman sent a letter to the President of ESRB asking for a review of their game reviewing system. The letter is in light of the reduction of a rating on a violent game called "Manhunt 2". The game, which possesses "gory kill animations", had its rating changed from "Adult Only", to "mature".

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Brownback 2012!

On October 19th 2007 Senator Sam Brownback announced his withdrawal from the presidential race in a transcript. Although he is not part of the race any longer, he still is heard stressing his beliefs on issues such as abortion and marriage and human dignity. After pulling out of the race he took the time to thank everyone that had supported him and now effects the candidacy in an indirect way. For example, many of his beliefs match that of John McCain's which could help push him in the polls.