Sunday, March 9, 2008

As he has been an obvious supporter of McCain since he dropped out of the race, Brownback's name has come up in potential vice presidents.  While McCain has not hinted towards any of this, Brownback could bring an extremely conservative stance on issues to the table.  Also, with Brownback as his runningmate, McCain could pick up more votes from the Christian conservative community.
In the past week, besides his constant support of McCain, Brownback has been speaking out on different issues.  He recently applauded an abortion vote by the Senate that would stop abortion funding at Indian health care service facilities.  He also talked about his views on how families in America have been broken, and how he wants to reestablish family values and the importance of family.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Brownback...A McCain Wingman?

Sam Brownback is stepping in on John McCain's behalf to vouch for the Senator's nomination for President. Brownback is particularly targeting the Christian conservatives, who have been critical or cold towards McCain thus far. He has advised McCain to "share with the public his personal experiences that brought him closer to God". Although McCain has essentially locked up the Republican nominee, Brownback feels it is very important not to "alienate a group that makes up 1/3 of the conservative vote". Brownback does have confidence, however, that the major differences between McCain and the potential democratic candidate ensures the conservative vote for McCain.