Sunday, February 24, 2008


Brownbakc has been working to get things done in his own state of Kansas in the past week. Recently he wasa pressing for the pass of Kansas legislature that would allow for the building of two coal plants in Kansas. The new plants would be part of the latest technology in bioenergy. Also, Brownback has applauded the passage of an ammendment that formally apologizes to the Native Americans. He believes that while this ammendment cannot erase what has happened in the past, it can help imrpove our relationship with the Native American people.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Brownback has recently just been continuing to support John McCain for the presidency. He did however believe McCain would have some problems winning Kansas, and of course he ended up losing to Mike Huckabee. Although he knew this, Brownback said that if McCain did not win Kansas, he would blame himself. Brownback said, “If this is a loss, it’s my fault.” However, McCain's chances of winning were really not affected by Kansas, and Brownback feels as if his buddy McCain will easily win the nomination. Brownback has stated that he plans on helping McCain with his campaign in the upcoming weeks.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Brownback Update

In his home-state's caucus, Sam Brownback watched the candidate he endorsed, John McCain, lose in a landslide to Mike Huckabee. This result, however, came as no surprise to Brownback who originally forecast trouble for McCain in Kansas. He hypothesized that McCain is certainly more effective in Primaries, and in states where a lot of Independents and Moderates participate. It appears as though Brownback's theory was correct. The situation is very interesting because one of the most well liked men in Kansas has a different candidate then his people.

Sunday, February 3, 2008


in the last week Brownback hasn't done anything of much importants. he has called on south korea to lift a ban on U.S. imported beef and showing his support for different announcements and grants.