Monday, April 28, 2008

Brownback recently won "Friend of Rural Water Award."  While it is not the most lucrative award, it does keep Brownback's name in the news.  Brownback has also made news by commending all members of Congress who support abstinence education in schools. 
Brownback also wrote a letter to the FCC chairman Kevin Martin pleading him to not allow the XM Satellite Radio-Sirius Satellite Radio merger.  Brownback said that there has been some problems in reviewing the merger, and that the merger would not be a good thing.

Monday, April 21, 2008


Senator Brownback recently found himself in the middle of a major conflict. With Pope Benedict XVI coming to Washing, Brownback announced a resolution "welcoming Pope Benedict XVI to the United States and recognizing the unique insights his moral and spiritual reflections bring to the world stage." This resolution was not so eagerly accepted, however, by our own Barbra Boxer of California. Boxer argued that the resolution included "pro-life" slander that was inappropriate on this sort of universal occasion. After a revision of the statements by Brownback, the storm was finally quieted and Pope Benedict was able to make a "safe" visit to Washington D.C.

Sunday, April 6, 2008


Recently Brownback has commented on the presidential election taking place in Zimbabwe which will elect a new leadere after 28 years of rule by Robert Mugabe. He has also commented on the recent ruling of the Bernanke Testimony and the deicision to put Bear Stearns and JP Morgan together questioning how the Federal Reserve will "quantify the financial risk to the taxpayer resulting from the Fed's recent and any future actions to help private companies."
Also, a few days ago, Brownback commented on Pope John Paul II and honored him on the 3rd anniversary of his death

Sunday, March 9, 2008

As he has been an obvious supporter of McCain since he dropped out of the race, Brownback's name has come up in potential vice presidents.  While McCain has not hinted towards any of this, Brownback could bring an extremely conservative stance on issues to the table.  Also, with Brownback as his runningmate, McCain could pick up more votes from the Christian conservative community.
In the past week, besides his constant support of McCain, Brownback has been speaking out on different issues.  He recently applauded an abortion vote by the Senate that would stop abortion funding at Indian health care service facilities.  He also talked about his views on how families in America have been broken, and how he wants to reestablish family values and the importance of family.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Brownback...A McCain Wingman?

Sam Brownback is stepping in on John McCain's behalf to vouch for the Senator's nomination for President. Brownback is particularly targeting the Christian conservatives, who have been critical or cold towards McCain thus far. He has advised McCain to "share with the public his personal experiences that brought him closer to God". Although McCain has essentially locked up the Republican nominee, Brownback feels it is very important not to "alienate a group that makes up 1/3 of the conservative vote". Brownback does have confidence, however, that the major differences between McCain and the potential democratic candidate ensures the conservative vote for McCain.

Sunday, February 24, 2008


Brownbakc has been working to get things done in his own state of Kansas in the past week. Recently he wasa pressing for the pass of Kansas legislature that would allow for the building of two coal plants in Kansas. The new plants would be part of the latest technology in bioenergy. Also, Brownback has applauded the passage of an ammendment that formally apologizes to the Native Americans. He believes that while this ammendment cannot erase what has happened in the past, it can help imrpove our relationship with the Native American people.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Brownback has recently just been continuing to support John McCain for the presidency. He did however believe McCain would have some problems winning Kansas, and of course he ended up losing to Mike Huckabee. Although he knew this, Brownback said that if McCain did not win Kansas, he would blame himself. Brownback said, “If this is a loss, it’s my fault.” However, McCain's chances of winning were really not affected by Kansas, and Brownback feels as if his buddy McCain will easily win the nomination. Brownback has stated that he plans on helping McCain with his campaign in the upcoming weeks.